I got to wondering are there other obsessive fans of this years contestants blogging like mad about their favourite singer? Is there a brilliant blog all about Niki, criticising her song selection and
following her every move with posts titled,"Niki - You should never have let that trombone player under your dress!" So I decided to look. Obviously there won't be any blogs about Kimberley because she was voted off the show before even the quickest typist could enter her name into Blogger. So I decided to start with Same Difference.
A blog called Tameside Eye caught mine and has the tag line:'A political exposé and insight to the councillors, members of parliament and prospective candidates of Tameside.' Lots of intentionally (I hope) humorous posts on fascinating subjects such as the Mottram Bypass.
It has one, and only one, post about X Factor's Same Difference but it is, possibly, the greatest X Factor blog post you will read anywhere:
'Do you want to make the Eye and another Tory councillor who reads this blog REALLY happy? Then vote to keep Same Difference in this weeks X Factor competition.' then after some You Tube videos of SD to convince you further, 'I can really relate to Sean from Same Difference. My dad also wanted me to be a footballer, but now I am an all singing, all dancing homosexual.'
Having persuaded readers on the merits of voting for the pair he switches topic to Leon, 'Just what the ****ery is Leon still doing in there? Which **** does "relight my fire" in the style of swing? Oh yes, Leon does. The only people voting for him is the Scots. It happened last year with the McDonald Brothers. The Scottish voters are a powerful force - just like the SNP."
The Rhydian Factor is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
Interesting Fact: If you type 'rubbish scottish brothers' into Google the top article is about the McDonald Brothers. If you type in 'speccy scottish brothers' the top article is about The Proclaimers. Try it.Labels: not about Rhydian, other contestants other blogs, X Factor