You may have noticed, if you are a particularly observant reader, that I have an advert in my right hand column for a blog called AllYour Top 40 Are Belong To Us. A strange, grammatically incorrect, blog that I love. The writer, Warren Myles, has set himself the task of recording himself singing every number 1 for a whole year.
Although, it's not quite that simple because there are rules...the main one being that if the number 1 is the same as last week then the highest new entry is chosen. Oh, and he records all songs using only his voice and music generated with his Gameboy! Often he records them in one take. He then writes, in his own unique way, about the process. Readers familiar with the dogme 95 principles of film making will recognise something familiar in his approach. Those of you who know anything about outsider art will love his biro drawings, because every song recorded also has its cover reproduced by Warren's hand too.But what is this music like, I hear you ask? Well it's like naive early Human League viewed through a filter of 16bit music. It is lofi and lovely..a breath of fresh air with Warren shouting (often). The project is in its early stages but already he has produced superb renditions of Elvis, the Sugababes and Shane (last year but one's Rhydian) Ward - In fact his version of Breathless is on heavy rotation on my IPod and I urge you to download it. And, of course he has just covered Leon's single.
But hey! enough of me his version of When You Believe here and visit Warren's site whenever you get chance. Labels: Alltourtop40belongtous, Genius, Warren Myles