The nation sits open mouthed as a star is born.
Rhydian striding through the audience dressed from head to toe in sequins and fur. The nation does a double take, almost unsure what they are watching, wondering if they have somehow switched to Strictly Come Dancing. And then the voice starts. Jesus!It is like the Terminator, Liberace and Pavarotti have been fused into one. You just know that music will never be the same again. Even if the Rhydmeister couldn't sing very well he would be interesting...but this! This is truly life affirming.
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Same Difference - dull name, horrible smiley people come on- and sing 'Reach for The Stars' and you can see it in their eyes that they know they will never get anywhere near the stars. The don't understand what a star is. They've just watched the previous act go interstellar.
Louis~ ' a bit over the top'
Sharon~'you look like the snow queen from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Simon~'my favourite performance this year'
Dannii~'that's what we want to see on ITV'
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Rhydian Roberts lookalikee #6
When most people see the Rhydler they think that glamour can not exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion.... others just think, "He looks a bit like Johnny Bravo doesn't he?"
video:Johnny Bravo Labels: about rhydian, get the party started, Johnny Bravo, Rhydian, Rhydian lookalikee