Monday, 10 December 2007

Rhydian: bits and pieces

Only a week to go till the Welsh minstrel is crowned Lord of the Singing Joust. So maybe we should join the fans of the one they are calling the Diminutive Des O'Connor on their Bebo site and leave him some fanmail. Don't forget to spell check your comments before you paste them here as they are quite picky and precise when it comes to language,
share the luv
u better get throw anyway no other singer in scotland has went THIS FAR from being 1 MILLION pound singer
YEY leon is mint he is well better than that fuckin ridean with shit hair !!!
Let me spell it out for you. L-E-O-N-C-A-N-T-S-I-N-G-T-O-S-A-V-E-H-I-S-L-I-F-E. He is useless. Him or Rhydian so should have went.
Leon you R gorjus! WOOT WOOT!
A couple of blog entries worth a quick look, the sloth (Ramblings from a Sloth, when I can be bothered!) in a post titled the wuss factor and with a picture of Leon, despairs at the sob stories and tears of this years contestants. All of them, "And then there's Leon, who seems on the verge of tears all the time, even during his flaky performances. He hasn't even got a proper sob story..."
And No damn blog(The rants, raves and ramblings of an author and editor living in the land of the long lunch) "Niki bellows; Leon tremolos; Same Difference franticise. The smell of fear and desperation seeps from the television screen during the X Factor semi-finals.And then along comes Rhydian the magician, who just stands there, legs wide apart, and delivers. No contest."
NB: frantasise : to make oneself frantic, particularly in advance of some event
Other X Factor news: The site and domain name is available to buy NOW...don't all rush at once
A fan of the Silver Knight sent in these anagrams to the Rhydian Factor. Clearly someone with too much time on their hands:
Simon Cowell: Low con slime
Same Difference: Fried semen face
Leon Jackson: A no lens Jock, Clan joke son, and perhaps the best, nan Jock lose
Rhydian Roberts as well as having more in the star and vocal quality departments also wins out in the anagram stakes too. Just some of the good ones:
Following the King Arthur theme we have, Sir Dabfry Heron, Sir Bernhard Toy, Sir Thorny Bread and easily my favourite, Sir Hydrant Bore.
Other good ones, Sherry Riot Band (a great name for a hardcore metal band who like the odd glass of Bristol Cream) , Rabid then Sorry and even one that sounds like it's about Leon, His bandy terror.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Mr Bliser. Just choked on my cofee reading the latest blog. You make my day you really do.

10 December 2007 at 15:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your blog, Mr. B.!
Especially when you take a swipe at no-talent Leon.He is (and his fans from that site) available for sub-panto... They are really schmucks.
Keep them coming!

10 December 2007 at 21:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was superb!!!!!
Can´t stop laughing!

10 December 2007 at 22:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a strange choice for Rhydian this last song. It suited Leon well, but wasn't right for Rhydian. I wonder who chose it. Rhydian has been expressing his opinions during the competition. Was this fixed - the late stage song choice? Leon did do this last song better than Rhydian, because it was perfectly suited for him. Not really fair play, is it? Leon will do well with the one million pound contract, as would Rhydian. Rhydian will make it anyway. He's the more accomplished. I've routed for him most of the way, despite of his to begin with seemingly somewhat big-headed attitude.
All the best Rhydian, and also Leon. You're very different, which made the competition refreshing, although ultimately unbalanced.

16 December 2007 at 00:07  

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